PCMK Youth Groups
Youth group events present opportunities for middle school and high school students to get to know each other, have fun with new friends, and learn together about what it means to be in a Christian Community.
Youth Leadership Team: Elisabeth & Dale Southorn
Middle School Youth Group
Each week provides another opportunity to talk about life, go on fun outings, work on service projects, and just hang out with friends.
Who: 5th graders - 8th graders
What: Youth Sunday School -During worship weekly - 10:20-11 and one evening a month 6-8 pm
Where: Youth Room & Beyond (outing once a month)
High School Youth Group
Through service projects, social activities, and participating in worship, high schoolers are given the opportunity to begin practicing the beliefs learned in Confirmation Class.
Who: 9th graders - 12th graders
What: Youth Sunday School or ministry opportunities each Sunday 10:20 - 11:00 & one evening a month 6-8
In the previous years, Youth Group outings were:
Connecting: biking, ice skating, scavenger hunt, rock climbing, laser tag, miniature golf, bowling
Outreach: Midnight Run, cooking dinner for the homeless from the ESP, distributing food at the Mt. Kisco Interfaith Food Pantry and mission work for Hurricane Katrina
Fundraisers: Souper Bowl of Caring and car wash Occasionally parents will be needed as the second adult.