Worship is at the center of our faith and what we do as a community. Together we celebrate all of God's gifts in life, to pray and sing, to hear and reflect on God's word. PCMK is an open church, where you can ask questions and where you will be encouraged to think about what you believe.
We are a community cultivating our relationship with God through worship that is experiential, participatory, imaginative, and connective. We are a community of faith that is challenged, strengthened, and transformed by the God who is revealed in Jesus Christ.
Join us on Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m. Nursery care provided; Sunday School programs for children run concurrently.
A Typical Service at the Presbyterian Church of Mount Kisco
Gathering around the Word
(about 10 minutes)
Call to Worship
Processional Hymn
Welcome and Announcements
Prayer of Confession
Typical service is about 1 hour long
Proclaiming the Word
(about 45 minutes)
Scripture Reading
Children's Time
Joys and Concerns
Pastoral Prayer and the Lord's Prayer
Anthem by the Choir
Scripture Reading
Sermon (typically about 15 minutes)
Responding to the Word
(about 10 minutes)
The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
(once a month on the first Sunday of the month) -
Call for the Offering
Offertory sung by the Choir
Prayer of Dedication of Offering
Processional Hymn
Closing Choral Response