The Von Beckerath Water Organ
Our new von Beckerath organ incorporates the German traditions of Baroque and French Romantic organ building and was designed by Anthony Newman. The tonal concept arose from the need to provide both a leading voice for congregational praise and a concert instrument. The distribution of the 41 stops, 53 ranks, and 2,640 pipes, Grand Orgue, Recit, Positif, and Pedal divisions was planned to give each stop its own individual and beautiful sound. Each division has its own distinctive character. It has mechanical key action that provides an intimacy not possible in other actions. By promoting a natural style of voicing, the associated use of slider wind chests has a direct and beneficial influence on the organ's speech and tone. The placement of the organ within a case with speaking front pipes helps to blend and project the sound. Von Beckerath has blended the old and the new, employing modern technology only where it made sense to do so.
The "Water Organ" was named by the donor, Bonnie Trotta as water is a symbol of new life and to reflect the dramatic force, graceful peace and emotional healing of spiritual music. The inaugural concert was given October 11, 2008 in the sanctuary of the Presbyterian Church of Mt. Kisco by the world renowned organist, Anthony Newman.
For more information goto: www.agowestchester.org/mountkiscopres.htm

To listen to a short sample performed by Terence Flanagan, Past Director of Music