Our Vision
Sunday School is a place of loving care for each child and youth that reflects God’s love. We encourage and value exploring, questioning, and nurturing faith development in all our students.
Our Classes
Group 1 - Pre-K (ages 3-4)
Group 2 - Kindergarten & Grade 1
Group 3 - Grades 2-5
Group 4 - Middle School (6-8 Grade)

Help Wanted
The classes are taught by volunteer teachers, many of whom have returned year after year to share their faith with the children of this church. We are always interested in growing our teaching staff! If you would like to explore becoming a Sunday School teacher, please contact Katy Koch in our church office!
The younger classes (groups 1-3) meet downstairs in the education wing classrooms.
Our younger groups use the Spark curriculum. It is a sequential study of the great stories of the Bible. Each child receives a take-home leaflet every week so that parents can be aware of what their child has learned that Sunday.
Another key component is the Spark Story Bible filled with
colorful illustrations and all the stories covered by the
curriculum written in child-friendly language.

The curriculum for each group was carefully chosen to encourage and nurturefaith development in ways that reflect the growing understanding of the student.
Usual Sunday Morning Schedule
9:30-11:30 - Nursery Open
Children 2 years of age and younger are cared
for by paid staff.
9:30 - Children's Choir
10:00 - Family Worship
Children sit with their families for the beginning of the service offering a chance to worship together.
10:15 - Children's Time
Children are invited to come forward for a short message from the pastor. They are then shepherded to their classrooms.
10:20-11:05 - Sunday School
Children attend lessons geared to their age group taught by volunteer teachers.
11:05-11:15 - Fellowship Time
Children 2 years of age and younger are cared for by paid staff.
Youth School Sunday School students participate in discussion based on the sermon topic and scripture that day. Students can engage in conversation with parents after the church on the common theme. This class meets upstairs in the youth room.

During odd-numbered years we will have a confirmation class for our 7th and 8th grade youth. While the Sunday School curriculum is intended to prepare students as they approach this important milestone in their faith development, the actual classes will be starting in January.
When there is no Sunday school scheduled (Thanksgiving weekend, Christmas, & Easter for example) worship bags with a variety of quiet activities will be available in the Narthex.

Family Seasonal Materials
One of our goals is to strengthen the connection between the Sunday School classroom and the home. Packets are available during the church seasons of Advent and Easter with materials chosen to help families grow in faith together during these special times in the church calendar.
Family Fun Activities
Throughout the year the church hosts events that encourage our church families to come out for a fun activity. These include "Trunk or Treat", a Pageant Pizza Party, and a Mardi Gras Pancake Breakfast. Another important event on each year's church calendar is our Christmas pageant with the Dress Rehearsal Pizza Party!

Children's Music Program
Directed by Elisabeth Southorn
All children in grades 1 through 12 are encouraged to participate. When they sing or play in church, children are expected to arrive at 9:15 for a quick warm up. Children and youth who want to share vocal or instrumental solos can speak with Elisabeth. Dates will be announced in the Sunday School weekly email blast.
Children's Choir
Grades 1 - 6 Children's Choir and Youth Mentors (grades 7 - 12) meet with Elisabeth Southorn in the community room Sundays from 9:30 - 10:00 am
Christmas Pageant - Every child/youth at PCMK is invited and encouraged to participate in some way! Full cast rehearsals begin in November during Sunday School. Watch for announcements or contact Elisabeth Southorn for more info.

Youth Handbell Choir - tbd